Austral Plywoods – Queensland



Austral Plywoods Pty Ltd



Brisbane, Queensland




Requirements of Austral Plywoods

The customer’s plant is situated in a residential area and used a system whereby woodchips were blown into a storage bin by compressed air. The system was noisy and, as a result of complaints from local residents, the Brisbane City Council instructed the company to reduce the noise level. So the predominant requirement of any new conveyor was the reduction in noise levels.

Technical Information

  • Conveyors: 1
  • Belt Width: 400 mm
  • Length: 20.5 m
  • Inclination: 18.5°
  • Capacity: 10 tph
  • Belt Speed: 1.5 m/s
  • Drive Power: 1.5 kW
  • Fan Power: 0.75 kW
  • Product Density: 0.33 T/m³

Aerobelt Solution

The old ducted system was replaced by an Aerobelt conveyor which, because there are no moving parts, is very quiet in its operation. The council is completely satisfied with the current noise levels and no further complaints have been received from the local residents.

Austral Plywoods Aerobelt
Quiet Conveyor Austral Plywoods

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