Material Bulk Densities

Material Bulk Densities

 This table is provided as a general guide to the bulk density of various products:



Bulk Density in Metric Tonne/ M3

Alumina 1.01
Ammonium Nitrate 0.54
Ammonium Sulphate 1.1
Barley 0.69
Bath Slag 1.23
Bicarb Soda 1.10
Canola 0.58
Cardboard, Shred 0.03
Cattle Fodder 0.8
Chalk 0.6
Chalk Grit 1.25
Clinker 1.00
Coal 0.8 – 0.9
Coffee 0.4
Coffee, Roasted 0.3
Coleseed 0.58
Corn Grit 0.72
Corn 0.8
Cornflakes 0.1
Cryolite 1.1
Cullet 1.21
Dextrose 0.8
Electrolyte 1.2
Feathers 0.02
Fertiliser 1.1
Flour 0.6
Flyash 1
Granulated Sugar 0.8
Grass 0.25
Gravel/ Sand 1.7
Green Coffee 0.67
Green Malt 0.60
Gypsum 1.6
Ilmenite 2.5
Iron Ore Dust 2.60
Limestone 1.2
Malt 0.55 – 0.7
Mortar 1.5
Mud 1.6
Paddy Rice 0.65
Paper Pulp 0.50
Peas 0.8
Peat 0.2
Pellets 0.65
Phosphate 1.2
Plaster 1.6
Pulp (Sugar) 0.4
Pulp (Wood) 0.4
Pyrite 1.7
Quartz Sand 1.4
Raw Sugar 0.80
Salt 1.0 – 1.25
Sand 1.5 – 1.7
Silicia 1.60
Soap Powder 0.4
Soda Ash 1.00
Sodium Sulphate 1.54
Soot 0.2
Soya Beans 0.75
Soya Flour 0.6
Starch 0.6
Stones 2.5
Sugar Cane 0.35
Sulphate 1.5
Sunflower Seeds 0.4
Tobacco 0.2
Trass 1.3
Waste Metal 1.5
Wet Sand 1.60
Wheat 0.7 – 0.75
White Sugar 0.85
Wood Chips 0.3