Conveyor Options

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Versatile Conveyor Options to Meet Every Need

Aerobelt’s are highly customisable and can be fitted to entail and suit a variety of applications and bulk density of materials.

Explore our gallery of past projects showing some of the options available. Contact us for a quote for a custom conveyor or to discuss your specific needs.

Food Grade Construction

Aerobelt conveyors are commonly customised to suite food grade construction which is achieved by incorporating:

Sensors and Measurement Systems

Aerobelt’s can be fitted with a variety of sensors and instrumentation in order to monitor the operation of the conveyor such as:

Conveyor Curves

Aerobelt conveyors can curve in both an incline and declined direction.  To achieve a positive incline or concave curve, the ends of conveyor troughs are fabricated to facilitate small changes in angle, resulting in the required overall incline and curve. If a convex or downward curve is required, a short roller section is incorporated at the transition zone to support the belt whilst air is pumped through a bypass pipe between the adjacent sections.

Chutes and High Impact Zones

Aerobelt also supplies single and multistage chutes with wear liners. These can be simple pass-through chutes to allow the material to pass cleanly through the chute at the desired discharge angle, or in cases where the product is moving at high velocity, they can include rock boxes—a section where product accumulates and provides an area for other product to impact against—as well as impact zones to ensure the longevity of the conveyor.

We also supply custom chutes, including dust-free cone chutes and retractable telescopic chutes.

Bins and Hoppers

Aerobelt bins and hoppers can be constructed to complement conveyor systems where intermediate processing stages or storage is required.

Custom Belts

Our conveyors can use any kind of belt that traditional conveyors can use in order to suit conditions, including:

Low Profile Design

When conveyors are required for areas with height restrictions, Aerobelt can implement a low profile plenum design to minimise the cross-section required for the conveyor. The various pictures below are taken from a 35m grain conveyor.

Aggressive Environments

Aerobelt’s can easily be designed to adhere to environmental conditions such as:

Supporting Steelwork

Aerobelt can provide new, or build upon existing supporting steelwork, with gantries, trestles and footings as well as cable-supported elevated spans able to be supplied and integrated seamlessly into new or existing plants for a start to finish solution.

Other Options

Other options we supply include but aren’t limited to the following:

See how Aerobelt has delivered innovative conveyor solutions

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