Ricegrowers Griffith – New South Wales



Ricegrowers Cooperative



Griffith, NSW



Paddy Rice

Requirements of Ricegrowers

The site at Griffith had a chain conveyor carrying the paddy rice from the storage silos to the mill. A conveyor was required which:

  • increased capacity from 40 tph to 60 tph and
  • if possible, reduce running and maintenance costs.



Technical Information

  • Conveyors: 1
  • Belt Width: 400 mm
  • Length: 53.79 m
  • Inclination:
  • Capacity: 60 tph
  • Belt Speed: 2.03 m/s
  • Drive Power: 3.0 kW
  • Fan Power: 1.1 kW
  • Product Density: 0.65 T/m³

Aerobelt Solution

Aerobelt Australia provided a conveyor which allowed the customer to handle up to 100 tph for short periods. The running costs for the new higher tonnage rate of the Aerobelt system has been compared to those of the old chain conveyor and found to be one quarter of those costs.

Ricegrowers Griffith Rice Aerobelt
Ricegrowers Griffith Rice Conveyor

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